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air mass 氣團。

air patrol

The fine powder flows into the product cyclone collector together with air flow and is expelled from the powder output pipe as product . raymond grinder . in the grinding chamber , since the stuff contains moisture to some extent , raymond grinder the heat generated during grinding makes the moisture evaporated ; since the pipeline joints are not airtight , raymond grinder the external air is sucked in and the circulation air mass increased , in order to enable the grinder to work in negative pressures , raymond grinder the increased air flow is guided to the deduster and sepuentially to the atmosphere after purification . raymond grinder . raymond grinder function tehnical datum 雷蒙磨粉機-本機適用于粉碎重晶石石灰石陶瓷礦渣等莫氏硬度不大于9 . 3級,濕度在以下的非易燃易爆的礦業冶金化工建材等行業280多余種物料的高細制粉加工如:各種礦石化工原料等,雷蒙磨粉機成品粒度60 425目范圍內根據需要任意調節雷蒙磨粉機最細1000目。

The mathematical analysis shows that , with disregarding local head losses and by means of different simplified rigid models , the calculated results of the maximum pressure in a pressurized pipe system containing trapped air mass are equal to and independent of the initial length of the water - column 摘要通過數學分析證明,在不計局部水頭損失時,目前常用的幾種簡化剛性數學模型的最大氣壓計算結果相等,并與管道內初始充水段長度無關。

To match the protection offered by earth ' s atmosphere takes the same one kilogram of shielding material per square centimeter , although astronauts could comfortably make do with 500 grams , which is equivalent to the air mass above an altitude of 5 , 500 meters 要相當于地球大氣層所提供的保護,需要每平方公分一公斤重的屏蔽物質,不過500公克(相當于海拔5500公尺處的大氣)對太空人已經足適。

The theoretical calculation and the experimental result indicated that , after temperature compensation , this kind of new hotwire air mass flowmeter still had high measuring accuracy when the environment temperature had wide range change 理論計算和試驗的結果表明,經環境溫度補償后,這種新型熱線式空氣質量流量計在大范圍環境溫度變化下仍具有較高的測量精度。

Turbulence usually happen in the vicinity of thundery showers where vigorous convective activities occur . it will also appear in areas where air masses with different speed , direction or temperature meet each other 湍流大多是發生在強烈對流活動(如雷雨區)附近出現,它亦會在不同速度、方向或溫度的氣流相遇之處出現。

In our example here , we have two air masses : one is represented by b my breath , which is warm which is almost saturated , and the other by s surroundings , which is cooler which is not saturated 圖一在呼氣的例子里,有兩個氣團:一個是差不多飽和即呼出的暖氣,用b代表,另一個是不飽和即四周較涼的空氣,用s代表。

The pilot of the balloon has control of the altitude ( how high or low the balloon flies ) and can alter its course by finding an air mass going in a slightly different direction 熱氣球的駕駛員可以操控氣球的高度(即熱氣球的飛行高低) ,而且可以利用方向略有不同的氣團,來改變熱氣球的飛行路線。

Solar energy - reference solar spectral irradiance at the ground at different receiving conditions - part 1 : direct normal and hemispherical solar irradiance for air mass 1 . 5 太陽能在地面不同接收條件下的太陽光譜輻照度標準第1部分:大氣質量1 . 5的法向直接日射輻照度和半球向日射輻照度

Your hurricanes and typhoons represent what occurs when air masses attempt to move against each other , given their density and gravity attraction and inertia 你們的颶風和臺風描繪出當氣團試圖互相沖擊時會發生什么事情,它取決于氣團的密度、地球引力以及它們運動的速度。

For some other air masses , such as b in figure 1 , when neither of the two air masses is moist enough , the straight line connecting it to s lies below the equilibrium curve 有時兩個氣團都是不夠潮濕,如圖一中的b ,連接s的直線便在均衡曲線以下,這樣霧便不能形成。

Thus , two air masses that are themselves unsaturated may mix to produce a supersaturated air mass , and a cloud ( which is just condensed water droplets ) usually forms 所以,兩團氣各自不飽和,但混合后可能成為一飽和氣團,產生我們呼出的霧或凝結的小水點。

Thus , two air masses that are themselves unsaturated may mix to produce a supersaturated air mass , and a cloud which is just condensed water droplets usually forms 所以,兩團氣各自不飽和,但混合后可能成為一飽和氣團,產生我們呼出的霧或凝結的小水點。

As pope benedict xvi thanks journalists , the vatican prepares for the open - air mass in st . peter ' s square that will formally install him as pontiff 在羅馬教皇致詞感謝新聞界時,梵蒂岡正在為其在圣彼得廣場的露天彌撒做準備,以使他正式就任羅馬教皇。

Where the two air masses meet , unstable weather results because of significant differences in temperature , humidity , wind direction and speed between them 由于兩團空氣的溫度濕度風向及風速等均有明顯的差異,它們相遇時便很容易形成不穩定天氣。

It swirls , as circular motion in air masses is the response to conflicting forces , as seen in the circular motion of tornadoes and hurricanes 它形成旋風,因為旋轉運動是空氣在碰到阻力時的反應,就象在刮龍卷風和颶風時看到的那樣。

The result of mixing these two air masses can be around anywhere on the straight line joining b and s . notice that part of the line lies 這兩團混合起來,結果落入b與s相連的直線附近。留意直線部份處在均衡曲線以上,即超飽和。

Unlike a low - pressure center , which may be composed of two or more air masses , an anticyclone usually consists of a single air mass 與低壓中心不同(它可能由兩個或兩個以上的氣團所組成) ,反氣旋通常只由單一的氣團構成。

If the curve were a straight line , clouds would never form when two unsaturated air masses mix , irrespective of how different they are 若線是直的,兩團不飽和氣團混和起來無論它們相差多遠,霧永不能產生。

3 . synoptic meteorology : the general circulation ; air masses ; fronts ; tropopause ; jet stream ; fog ; local winds ; severe local storms 3 .天氣學:大氣環流氣團鋒對流層頂急流霧地方性風強烈地方性風暴。